Childcare offer
There are various childcare facilities in Vaduz. Here is an overview:
Daycare center association
The daycare center association offers various childcare units that allow parents to adapt childcare to their needs. The childcare offer starts at the age of 4 months at the earliest and ends when the child enters secondary school.
Kinderoase Association
In Vaduz, the Kinderoase association offers a spontaneous childcare service and the Schatzinsel adventure playgroup.
Parent-Child Forum
Day care families, a babysitting service and vacation activities for children are offered by the Eltern Kind Forum.
Bärli playgroup
In Haberfeld, next to the kindergarten, children aged 2.5 to kindergarten age can let off steam on Monday to Friday mornings and Monday afternoons.
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings:
Beatrice Büchner
+423 792 15 70 or
Tuesday and Friday mornings:
Olga Huber
+41 78 947 30 02 or
Monday afternoons:
Tamara Reichenpfader-Hematyar
+49 177 893 50 37 or
Forest playgroup "Vaduzer Waldzwerge"
On Tuesday mornings, children can explore the forest to their heart's content.
"Purzelbaum" daycare center
Landstrasse 105, 9490 Vaduz
+423 793 74 12 or and
Kindertreff Erlebnisraum (children's meeting place)
Courses for children
Bartlegroschstrasse 31, 9490 Vaduz
At the Kindertreff Erlebnisraum (children's meeting place), children from 6 months to 10 years are cared for in mixed toddler groups in a professional, loving and informal way.
Further information from Melina Marxer at, or phone +423 787 94 90