Childcare offer
There are various childcare facilities in Vaduz. Here is an overview:
Association Kinderoase
The Kinderoase in Vaduz is a spontaneous childcare service where children aged between four months and ten years are lovingly looked after by trained professionals.
Association Kindertagesstätten
The daycare association offers various childcare units that allow parents to adapt childcare to their needs. The childcare offer starts at the earliest at the age of 4 months and ends when the child starts secondary school.
Childcare "Erlebnisraum"
At the Kindertreff Erlebnisraum, children aged 6 months to 10 years are cared for in loving, mixed small groups in a professional and informal way. The children have access to a varied and exciting childcare program that caters to their needs and wishes.
Daycare center "Purzelbaum"
The Purzelbaum daycare center is a private out-of-home childcare facility. The offer is a supplement to the upbringing of the child by the parents and is aimed at families, family-like partnerships and single parents with children from 5 months to school age.
Daycare center "Rehkids"
The Kita Rehkids is a privately organized daycare center and offers comprehensive care and playful support for the development of children from the age of three months until they start secondary school.
Eltern Kind Forum
The Parent-Child Forum offers the placement of day-care families, a babysitting service and vacation offers for children.