Mayor's office

Florian Meier
Fortschrittliche Bürgerpartei (FBP)
Appointments to discuss residents' concerns can be made via the municipal secretariat.
+423 237 78 11
- Management of the administration, heads the local police
- Execution of the resolutions of the municipal council
- Supervision of municipal facilities and buildings
- Execution of matters within the delegated sphere of activity in accordance with the law
- External representation of the municipality in all civil law and administrative matters
- Chairing meetings of the municipal council
- Chair of the Building and Planning Commission
- Chair of the Landfill Commission
- Chair of the Finance Commission
- Chair of the Land Acquisition Commission
- Chair of the Personnel Commission
- Chair of the Security Commission
- Chair of the Election and Voting Commission
- Chair of the Genealogy and Family Chronicle Foundation
- Chair of the Hospital Construction Fund Foundation
- Chair of the Board of Directors of the Mühleholz swimming and bathing facility
- Delegate of the Liechtenstein Municipal Wastewater Association
- Delegate of the Group Water Supply Liechtensteiner Oberland
- Vice President of the Schaan-Vaduz Youth Hostel Foundation
- Board of Trustees of the Vaduz Classic Foundation Vaduz
All the duties and powers of the mayor are regulated in the municipal law and the municipal regulations.