Carol singers Vaduz
According to an old custom, the carol singers will parade through the municipality of Vaduz on January 3 and 4, 2025 and bless the houses and apartments with the blessing sign 20*C+M+B+25.
The children from the Äule and Ebenholz elementary school will bring the blessing to every house and apartment. They are looking forward to meeting many residents and reciting the carol and poem of the carol singers to them. On January 3, 2025, they will visit the Äule municipal area (from Herrengasse to the Vaduz/Triesen border), followed by the Ebenholz area (from Gasthof Löwen to Mühleholz, Schaan/Vaduz border) on January 4, 2025.
In addition, the carol singers will sing on January 6, 2025 in St. Florin Cathedral at the 9.30 a.m. mass and in St. Josef Church at the 11.00 a.m. mass. As in previous years, the special Three Kings holy water bottles will be made and will be available for sale in St. Florin Cathedral from January 6, 2025. With the money collected, the carol singers support the "Help for Children in Beirut" project run by Fr. Avedik Hovannessian and Fr. Pierre Hanna and the projects in the Third World run by "Amici Terzo Mondo".
All proceeds and donations will go entirely to the carol singing projects. The Vaduz carol singers want to "#BringBlessing - Be a Blessing" and are happy about any support from the residents of Vaduz.