Spatial planning

Well thought-out spatial planning must be far-sighted in order to preserve room for maneuver for future generations. The municipality of Vaduz also attaches great importance to always considering the impact on people and nature.
Thumbnail | Title | Date Posted | Size |
Erlassene Richt-, Überbauungs- und Gestaltungspläne.pdf | 04/01/2021 | 3,249.88 KB | |
Gewässerkarte.pdf | 15/12/2020 | 2,407.60 KB | |
Lärmempfindlichkeitsplan Vaduz.pdf | 15/12/2020 | 12,442.88 KB | |
folder icon | Natur- und Landwirtschaftsentwicklungskonzept (NLEK) | 15/12/2020 | |
Ortsbildinventar.pdf | 26/05/2021 | 1,197.08 KB | |
Räumliches Konzept Vaduz | 21/04/2022 | 5,138.04 KB | |
folder icon | Richtpläne | 15/12/2020 | |
Strategie Zentrumsentwicklung.pdf | 10/02/2021 | 14,739.07 KB | |
Zonenplan Vaduz.pdf | 22/12/2020 | 5,477.29 KB |